1. I recently placed an order. Can you tell me when it will be shipped?
We try our best to ship items as quickly as possible. Please allow 1-5 days for processing before your order is shipped. The average shipping time is 7-12 business days. Your tracking number will be available 3-5 days after your order has been shipped. If you haven't received a tracking number after 7 business days, please email us at support@innerrglow.com.
2. I have entered an incorrect address. What should I do?
If you have misspelled or auto-filled an incorrect address, simply reply to your order confirmation email and confirm the mistake. Once you verify that the address is incorrect, kindly notify us via email at support@innerrglow.com. We can change the address to the correct one within 24 hours.
3. How long does shipping take?
The average shipping time is 7-12 business days.
4. I have a question that hasn’t been addressed?
Absolutely! We are here to help you make your home beautiful! Please send us an email at support@innerrglow.com, and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can. We do receive a large number of emails, so if you wish to get a prompt response, please attach your order number and clearly describe the issue.
Thank you!!
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